FlexRx™ Gen 2 & Reseal - NEW
9 Items
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FlexRx™ Gen 2 Short Label
Part #:TLAS_24069-001
McKesson #:193495
Quantity per sales unit:500
Product Group:Generic
Pack: Case
FlexRx™ Reseal Short Label
Part #:TLAS_23295-000
McKesson #:193494
Quantity per sales unit:500
Compatible with Automations:SynMed® XF, SynMed® Ultra, SynMed® Assist
Pack: Case
7-Day FlexRx™ Gen 2 Blister With Hooks - Bio-PET
Part #:TBLIS_23968-00
McKesson #:193493
Quantity per sales unit:500
Compatible with Automations:SynMed® XF, SynMed® Ultra, SynMed® Assist
Pack: Case
7-Day FlexRx™ Gen 2 Blister Without Hooks - Bio-PET
Part #:TBLIS_24346-00
Quantity per sales unit:500
Compatible with Automations:SynMed® XF, SynMed® Ultra, SynMed® Assist, BlistAssist®, VBM
Product Group:Generic
Pack: Case
FlexRx™ Sealing Tray without rivets - FlexRx™ Light, FlexRx™ Gen 2, FlexRx™ Reseal
Part #:TTRAY_24507-00
McKesson #:193496
Quantity per sales unit:1
Product Group:Generic
Pack: each
FlexRx™ Sealing Tray with rivets - FlexRx™ Long
Part #:TTRAY_24507-01
Quantity per sales unit:1
Product Group:Generic
Product Type:Medication Adherence CS Tray
Pack: each
Starter Kit - 7-Day FlexRx™ Gen 2 Adherence Packaging
Quantity per sales unit:1
Product Group:Generic
Product Type:Medication Adherence Intro-Kit
Pack: Case
Starter Kit - 7-Day FlexRx™ Reseal Adherence Packaging
Quantity per sales unit:1
Product Group:Generic
Product Type:Medication Adherence Intro-Kit
Pack: Case
6" Hard-Seam Roller
Part #:T12210
Imperial BC, AB #:439160
Quantity per sales unit:1
Product Group:Generic
Pack: each